Uda beroan, gero eta egun eguzkitsuagoak egongo dira. Familiak uda beroa gela fresko eta eroso batean igaro dezan, jendeak udarako egokiak diren gortinak aukeratu nahi ditu. Ondoren, material egokia nola aukeratu eta funtzio desberdinak dituzten espazioen kolore arrazoizko bat etortzea kontuan hartu da.
Udan, aukeratu beharko zenuke
gortinak with natural and fresh colors. In addition to creating a bright and cool feeling at home, you can also fill the room with natural light. In the same room, it is best to choosegortinak of the same color and pattern to maintain the overall beauty. If you want to create a bright and modern home atmosphere, do not choose patterns printed with large flowers and small flowers, which can prevent clutter, choose patterns Simple, elegant and fresh
gortinakjendea freskoa eta erosoa izan dadin.
Previously, some consumers believed that the natural primary colors were green. In fact, too much green can cause mental irritability and depression. Compared with the strong sunlight in summer,gortinak can choose relatively simple shades such as ivory, beige, sky blue, lake green, and natural wood colors. Especially the use of natural wood or light blue in the study has a feeling of returning to nature. A calm mind will produce inspiration and wisdom, which is more conducive to work, study and thinking. In the living room, light greengortinak and wood-colored furniture can make the living room return to nature.
Aukeratu gortina oihal egokia
Transpiragarritasun hobea lortu nahi baduzu, ehun finak aukeratu ditzakezu, hala nola zeta eta kalamua
gortinak, aurten oso ezagunak direnak. Pribatutasuna babesten duzun bitartean, paisaia leihoaren kanpoaldean ikus dezakezu. Aldi berean, berdearen eta ingurumenaren babesaren kontzeptua oso errotuta dago jendearen bihotzetan. Adibidez, kotoia organikoa, zeta eta beste ehun batzuk ingurumena errespetatzen ez ezik, jendea naturatik hurbil sentiarazten dute.
Take proper care ofgortinak
Kolore argiak eta ehundura finak udan sentsazio freskoa sor dezakete, baina udan argi indartsuak egongela itzalteko duen eskaera ezin da baztertu. Udan eguzki denbora luzea dela eta, batzuk
gortinak are easy to discolor or age. Therefore, for rooms that need to be exposed to sunlight for a long time, some good quality shading cloths should be preferred, such as light, transparent and soft yarn or silkgortinak.