Jacquard ebakidun belusezko poliester klasikoa 280 cm-ko zabalerako gortina-oihala
1. Produktuaren sarrera
We are professional manufacture of curtains. This is Jacquard ebakidun belusezko poliester klasikoa 280 cm-ko zabalerako gortina-oihala pisua is 410g, zabalera is 280cm,and the MOQ is 100 meters.Blackout curtain blocks out sunlight and harmful UV rays, reduces outside noise, and provides privacy. We pay much attention to the quality of products. Quality is one of the most important reasons why customers stay with us.
2. Produktuaren parametroa (zehaztapena)
pisua |
zabalera |
Materiala |
Diseinuaren zenbakia |
410g |
140cm / 280cm |
% 100 poliesterra |
100 |
121716 |